Category: Keynotes

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Bitcoin Will Be World Reserve Currency

4.58K Views0 Comments

When will Bitcoin become the Reserve Currency of the World? Between The Political Uncertainty in the World + the United States, along with the confidence Bitcoin is giving both traditional & institutional investors, ...

The Truth About Bitcoin (2013)

4.38K Views0 Comments

Gepubliceerd op 27 sep. 2013 Stefan Molyneux looks at the rise of Bitcoin and discusses its history, mining, fees, altcoins, regulatory hypocrisy, worldwide awareness, comparisons to gold, anonymous transactions, p...

The long-term future of AI

3.64K Views0 Comments

Daniel Dewey is a research fellow in the Oxford Martin Programme on the Impacts of Future Technology at the Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford. His research includes paths and timelines to machine supe...

How We Started a Multimillion Dollar Marketplace – The First 6 Months of Envato

3.10K Views0 Comments

Envato cofounder and CEO, Collis Ta'eed, speaking at The Sunrise in Sydney.

The Simulation Argument – Nick Bostrom

4.18K Views0 Comments

Interview with Nick Bostrom at the Future of Humanity Institute Oxford University - - The simulation argument is continuing to attract a great deal of attention. I regret that I can...

What If The Matrix is Real? – 2014

5.61K Views0 Comments

From 09:07: The Simulation Argument Featuring: Philip Dick, Sylvester James Gates, Thomas Campbell, Sam Harris, Nick Bostrom, Dr. Quantum, The Matrix, Inception, Albert Einstein, Illusion, Computer Simulation, Adinkra...

Start with Why – Simon Sinek

2.97K Views0 Comments

Start With Why offers an unconventional perspective that explains WHY some people and organizations are more innovative, more profitable, command greater loyalties from customers and employees alike and, most importan...

Is Femtotech Alien Techology? – Hugo de Garis

3.62K Views0 Comments

Femtotech: Computing at the femtometer scale using quarks and gluons How the properties of quarks and gluons can be used (in principle) to perform computation at the femtometer (10^-15 meter) scale. I’ve been thin...

Susan Kare: icons die iedereen kent

2.86K Views0 Comments

Susan Kare is misschien wel de moeder van alle interface designers. Haar icons voor de Macintosh uit begin jaren 80 hebben cult status bereikt en worden tegenwoordig in groot formaat aan de muur gehangen. Veel intervi...

8 secrets of success – Richard St. John’s

2.93K Views0 Comments

Ten years of research and 500 face-to-face-interviews led Richard St. John to a collection of eight common traits in successful leaders around the world.

Secrets Of Self Made Millionaires – 46:34

2.81K Views0 Comments

Self-made millionaires have been studied extensively throughout the years. The good news is that success is not an accident. Success can be learned and it leaves tracks. The great news is that you can follow the track...

Jonathan Ive Tribute Speech to Steve Jobs at Apple Memorial

6.05K Views0 Comments

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