Category: De toekomst
3.29K Views0 Comments0 Likes
(AI topic starts at 28:50) Tim dug into research on Artificial Intelligence. He could not believe what he was reading. It hit him pretty quickly that what’s happening in the world of AI is not just an important topic,...
Ex Machina – Official Trailer
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Ex Machina is your standard film script of boy meets girl. Except that this girl is a robot: a robot girlfriend programmed by a sociopathic billionaire. And she is a robot who may just want a mind of her own - wit...
The long-term future of AI
3.64K Views0 Comments0 Likes
Daniel Dewey is a research fellow in the Oxford Martin Programme on the Impacts of Future Technology at the Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford. His research includes paths and timelines to machine supe...
How We Will Become God-Like – Ray Kurzweil
4.68K Views0 Comments0 Likes
Documentary about author & visionary Ray Kurzweil. After the end credits, there are another eight or so minutes of Ray answering additional interview questions. 1) 11:42 Ray discusses the expansion of our neoco...
The Singularity Is Near – Movie Trailer
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The Singularity is Near, A True Story about the Future, based on Ray Kurzweil's New York Times bestseller, intertwines a fast-paced A-line documentary with a B-line narrative story.
Crime-Fighting Robotic Guard… for $6.25 an Hour
3.13K Views0 Comments0 Likes
Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus has a new security team-- 300-pound robots equipped with high-def, omnidirectional video capture, thermal imaging, infrared, radar, and more are patrolling around. They're cal...
Reverse Aging = Compassion
4.37K Views0 Comments0 Likes
Michael Fossel‘s dream is to reverse human aging and since 1996 he has been a strong and vocal advocate of experimenting with telomerase therapy as a potential way of intervention in a wide variety of medical conditio...
Elon Musk on AI: “We’re Summoning the Demon”
5.74K Views0 Comments1 Likes
Building Artificial Intelligence is "Summoning the Demon" Says Tesla CEO Elon Musk. (from 1:07:19) Elon Musk is no Luddite, but that doesn't mean he's eager to embrace all new technology. "I think we should be v...
Interview with Greg Bear on Science Fiction, Singularity
5.79K Views0 Comments0 Likes
Quote: “…The people who are changing the world read science fiction.” “In a sense, science fiction is history in reverse…” Greg Bear is truly one of the masters of classic science fiction – he has written over 35 ...
The Simulation Argument – Nick Bostrom
4.18K Views0 Comments0 Likes
Interview with Nick Bostrom at the Future of Humanity Institute Oxford University - - The simulation argument is continuing to attract a great deal of attention. I regret that I can...
Gratis geld – Tegenlicht
3.15K Views0 Comments0 Likes
Stel dat we iedereen in Nederland een basisinkomen geven, zonder voorwaarden. Klinkt te mooi om waar te zijn? Als we weten dat een deel van de bestaande banen gaat verdwijnen door robotisering en algoritmes, en dat he...
What If The Matrix is Real? – 2014
5.61K Views0 Comments2 Likes
From 09:07: The Simulation Argument Featuring: Philip Dick, Sylvester James Gates, Thomas Campbell, Sam Harris, Nick Bostrom, Dr. Quantum, The Matrix, Inception, Albert Einstein, Illusion, Computer Simulation, Adinkra...