Category: Artificial Intelligence

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Transcendent Man – Ray Kurzweil

5.82K Views0 Comments

Ray Kurzweil is moeilijk in één kwalificatie te typeren: hij is uitvinder, schrijver, futurist en zakenman. Maar bovenal is deze gedreven Amerikaan bekend als prediker van de Singulariteit -- grofweg samengevat het mo...

What If The Matrix is Real? – 2014

5.14K Views0 Comments

From 09:07: The Simulation Argument Featuring: Philip Dick, Sylvester James Gates, Thomas Campbell, Sam Harris, Nick Bostrom, Dr. Quantum, The Matrix, Inception, Albert Einstein, Illusion, Computer Simulation, Adinkra...

The Simulation Argument – Nick Bostrom

3.96K Views0 Comments

Interview with Nick Bostrom at the Future of Humanity Institute Oxford University - - The simulation argument is continuing to attract a great deal of attention. I regret that I can...

Geschiedenis Silicon Valley 3 – Alexander Klöpping, DWDD University

2.61K Views0 Comments

Internetjournalist Alexander Klöpping reisde naar Silicon Valley en doceert over z'n bevindingen in het mekka van de IT industrie. Aandacht voor de toekomst van de digitale wereld en ons moderne leven.

Radical life extension and biological immortality – The Immortalist – Jason Silva

2.84K Views0 Comments

A MEDITATION ON THE WILL TO BECOME IMMORTAL... a love letter to science and philosophy that explores the idea of engineered radical life extension and biological immortality featuring Ray Kurzweil among others... by J...

Elon Musk warns about AI – Vicarious

3.86K Views0 Comments

Elon Musk warns about the dangers of AI. Elon Musk is investor in the AI company Vicarious: Another company in this field: Watch the full interview (AI part starts at 1...

Are We Building Gods or Terminators? – Hugo de Garis

5.64K Views0 Comments

Hugo de Garis is the past director of the Artificial Brain Lab (ABL) at Xiamen University in China. Best known for his doomsday book The Artilect War, Dr. de Garis has always been on my wish-list of future guests on S...

The Singularity 101 – Ben Goertzel

5.47K Views0 Comments

Dr Goertzel speaks about the Singularity, what it is, road maps, the risks and the benefits etc. Ben Goertzel is AI-specialist en visionair.

David Pearce – H. G. Wells Utopia

2.77K Views0 Comments

Intuitively, one might indeed suppose that lifelong bliss would make us weak. Contrast, for instance, the Eloi with the Morlocks in H.G. Well's The Time Machine. In practice, the opposite is true. "That which does not...

Why AI will probably kill us all.

3.36K Views0 Comments

The AI Intelligence Explosion – Luke Muehlhauser

5.48K Views0 Comments

Interview on AI, the Singularity, and it's importance. Questions/Talking points: What is Intelligence? Differences: AI & AGI Spectrums of General Intelligence Forecasting AI Accelerating Returns ...

The long-term future of AI

3.39K Views0 Comments

Daniel Dewey is a research fellow in the Oxford Martin Programme on the Impacts of Future Technology at the Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford. His research includes paths and timelines to machine supe...

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